Friday, May 23, 1980


by: Theolonius McTavish

(c) Theolonius McTavish 2004. All rights reserved.

Seeking a spot of serenity somewhere in the universe, I recently booked a deep-discount dodgy berth on the ‘White Elephant Express Space Shuttle’, to a little known place in a galaxy far, far away.

Monday, May 19, 1980

A Photocopied Travel Letter To Home

by: Steve Gillman

As we drove from Traverse City, Michigan to Tucson, Arizona, I wrote a series of letters, and photocopied them to send to family and friends. This was the first of the three.

Thursday, May 8, 1980

Air Travel around the world and let your cares fall

by: Mike Yeager

Air Travel and vacations, to get on a plane and go somewhere, can be one of life's most rewarding experiences. It's so exciting to contemplate an exotic or relaxing destination, for no other reason than to just get away.